Looking for a good source of protein?
Endoca’s Raw Hemp provides SIXTY grams of organic hemp protein per TWO teaspoons (10g)! It also provides 23 grams of fiber as well! Rich in nine essential Amino Acids and high in healthy fats Omega 3, 6 & 9. Amino Acids are the building blocks for collagen, which helps promote healthy skin and joints. A complete source of protein, rich in fiber, helping your body absorb more vital nutrients from your food. Supplies crucial essential omegas fatty acids your body can’t produce on its own, which can help boost heart and brain health.
What Is Hemp: Hemp is a high-quality plant protein in terms of amino acid composition which makes it perfect for adding to our everyday diets. Endoca Hemp Protein is a light powder that contains 60% protein with all 8 Essential Amino Acids. It contains essential Fatty Acids including Omega 3, GLA, and Dietary Fiber. With a less than 90% digestibility rate, hemp protein is easily absorbed into the bloodstream and serves as a valuable source of other nonessential amino acids including arginine.
Technology: Endoca’s Hemp Powder is raw, cold milled, GMO-free, pesticide-free, and we use no chemicals in the production process making it 100% organic. Normally, making proteins requires chemicals and processes that are not sustainable. After a decade of research, we’ve developed a way to produce clean proteins using compressed air.
Revolution: We grow hemp at our farm that is 100% organic and sustainable using old fashioned methods with inspiration in permaculture. For every bottle of hemp protein you purchase, we grow 108 square feet hemp meaning 108 square feet less GMO on this planet.
Click here to view Endoca’s Raw Hemp Protein!